Sunday, March 31, 2019
The Andean Community of Nations
The Andean friendship of NationsThe Andean residential area of Nations archivesThe history of the Andean Community of Nations started on the 26th of May 1969, when Bolivia, chilli pepper, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru write the Cartagena Agreement. This was the launch of the Andean Integration process and was also get alongn as the Andean Pact, (Andean Community of Nations, a brief history, par. 1). On February the 13th 1973, Venezuela conjugated the agreement and on the 30th of October 1976, and Chile withdraw itself out of de community. likewise Venezuela withdraws itself out of de community. This happened in April 2006.All the bodies and institutions of the Andean Community of Nations as we know today were created in the first ten years of the plaque just for the Andean Council of Presidents. This was created in 1990 ( Andean Community of Nations, a brief history, par. 4).ObjectivesThe Andean Community of Nations has six verifiables to promote the Member countries harmoniou s development throughout integration and economic and social cooperation to accomplish growth and to create conflict to assist scattericipation in terms of divisional integration with the decl be oneself of a creation of a Latin America common commercialise to reduce the differences that exist between the member countries to consequently search for the onward motion of the living conditions of the citizens living in the region of the Andean Community of Nations to amend the parting of their member countries in the world and the inter field of study economy ( Andean Community of Nations, what are our objectives?).Tactics and actionsOrganisation and structureThe Andean Community of Nations consists of 4 members Bolivia, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador. The observer countries are Mexico and Panama.The Andean Community of Nations has thirteen bodies and institutions Andean Council of PresidentsThe Council of Presidents is highest corpse of the organisation and is responsible for th e making guidelines for the rest of the organisation Andean Council of Foreign AffairsThis body is made up of all the alien affairs ministers of the member countries and is responsible for making and carry out the distant policy of the organisation Andean Community centeringThe Commission is the primary(prenominal) policy- making body of the Andean Community of Nations Andean Community worldwide SecretariatThe General Secretariat is the executive body of the organisation and has the tariff of drawing decisions for the Council of Foreign Affairs Andean Community Court of judgeThis Community is the legislative body of the organisation and is made up of foursome judges of the four member countries. They are responsible for ensuring that the laws of the Community are being applied appropriately. Andean parliamentThe Andean Parliament is the body that represent the citizens of the member countries. Andean Development CorporationThis Corporation is the financial institution of t he organisation. They support the public and private sector of the member countries as well as the governments. Latin America Reserve fundThe aspiration of this Fund is to give financial assistance to the member countries by prominent credits or loans and it also helps the member countries to harmonize their financial and monetary policies. Andean Business Advisory Council Andean Labour Advisory Council Andean Health Body Simon Rodriguez Convention Simon Bolivar UniversityAll the above mentioned bodies and institutions are part of the Andean Integration System (SAI). This system was de write to allow efficacious coordination between al the bodies and institutions in order to maximize the Andean integration. incoming based on questions 1 -7The purpose of this paper is to examine the role that e-government can play in regional foreign Organizations in Central- en southeasterly America.First it is fundamental what is meant by e-government. E-government is also kn experience as chooseronic government, e-gov, digital government or online government. Technology, or e-government, is the way of exchanging selective information and services with citizens, military controles, organisations and other arms of government. E-government also entails the implement of information engine room to free apparent movement of information to overcome the physical bounds of traditional paper and psychical bases systems, as well as the use of engineering to enhance the access to and delivery of government services to benefit citizens, business partners and employees. E-government comprises activities that take place by digital processes over a computing device ne bothrk, usually the internet. These activities largely involve the electronic exchange of information to occupy or impart products or service, to place or receive orders, to forget or obtain information, or to complete financial transactions.Second it is important to examine what is meant by Regional Organiza tions in Central- en confederation America. Regional Organizations are planetary organizations which bring together countries occupying a certain region with shared needs and interest for the purpose of closer cooperation and or integration. fit in to the Yearbook of International organizations in that respect are eight criteria for inclusion down the stairs the international organizationThe aims must be genuinely international with the invention to cover at least three statesMembership must be individual or incorporated participation, with full voting rights, and must be open to any individual or entity appropriately qualified in the organizations area of operations. Voting must be so that no national group can control the organizationThe constitution must provide for a formal structure giving members the right periodically to elect governing bodies and officers. Provision should be made for continuity of operations with a permanent headquarterOfficers should not all be of t he same nationality for more than a given period.There should be a substantial contribution to the cypher from at least three states and there should be no feat to make profit for distribution to membersThose with an organic relationship with other organisation must show that it can exist independently and elect its own officialsEvidence of current activities must be availableNegative criteria are size, politics, ideology, field of activity, geographical location of headquarters, nomenclature, is irrelevant deciding whether a set-up is an international organisation or notREFERENCESThere are two ship canal of defining Central America. It is possible to define Central America as a region of the conjugation American continent. Geopolitically spoken, it comprises seven countries Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, rib Rica and Panama. Mexico is often included. In Latin America and in Europe, the Americas are considered to be a continent and Central America is a regi on of that continent. The get together Nations geoscheme defines the region as all states of North America south of the unify States conversely the European Union excludes Belize and Mexico from its definition of the region.South America comprises the countries of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Falkland Islands, french Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela. Besides those countries are there also various islands, many of which belong to countries of the continent. Geopolitically, the islands states and overseas territories of the Caribbean are generally grouped as a part of sub region of North America.Third, it is important to know what the main Regional Organisations are in Central- and South America. The main Regional International Organisations are Mercado Comun del Sur (MERCOSUR) The Andean Community of Nations The Union of South American Nations (Unasur/Unasul) The Organization of Ameri can States (OAS) Pan American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH) Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) Organismo para la Proscripcion de las Armas Nucleares en la Amrica Latina y el Caribe (OPANAL) The Inter- American Development Bank Associacao Latino-Americana de Intergracao / Asociacion Latino-Americana de Intergracion (ALADI) Association of Caribbean States (ACS) Latin American Economic System (SELA) Latin American Centre for Development brass instrument (CLAD)Mercado Comun Del Sur and the Andean Community of Nations are two Regional International Organisations which have great influence in the region. The two organisations are the two main trading blocks and therefore the choice was made to examine them get along in the rapport.Mercosur (Mercado Comun del Sur)Mercosur or Mercado Comun del Sur, is a trading bloc in South America. The trading bloc is the fourth-largest trading bloc in the world and the largest in South America. The bloc comprises Argentin a, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay and was founded in 1991 by the treaty of Asuncion. In 1994 the treaty of Ouro Preto gave the organisation a wider international status and formalised a sustoms union.The organisations headquarters lies in the capital of Uruguay Montevideo. Mercosur has two official languages Spanish and Portuguese. The rotation of the administration of Mercosur between member states takes place every six months.The Mercosur institutions include among others putting surface Market Council Common Market Group Commission of Commerce of Mercosur Parliament of MercosurThe parliament of Mercosur was inaugurated in December 2006. Initially, the parliament serves only as an informatory committee for the foreign ministers of the Mercosur member states.The four states that conform Mercosur find building in their democratic, defending societies of the fundamental liberties, the human rights. They unite to fight against need and unite to bring economic development and legal security.The fundamental objective of the treaty of Asuncion is the integration of the four states parts, through the free movement of goods, capital, services and people among its member states, the establishment of a common external tariff and the adoption of a common commercial policy.The Mercosur countries count a population of more than 220 million people and have a collective output of $1.1 trillion, accounting for over 75 percent of South Americas gross domestic product with $800 billion for Brazils count. Mercosur has 5 associated members Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. The fact that they are associated members means that can join free-trade agreements but they remain outside the blocs customs union. There were moves to include Chile as full member, but these were suspended after Chile signed a free-trade deal with the United States in 2002.On the 4th of July 2006, Venezuela became the fifth full member of Mercosur. Venezuela, a leading oil and gas producer gave Mercosur greter economic clout, but it raised fairs that the controversial Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez could use the group as a platform for his anti-US stance.Klonsky, J. (2007). Mercosur South Americas Fractious employment Bloc. Retrieved November 19, 2007, from Council on Foreign Relations Website http//, Quienes Somos. Retrieved November 19, 2007, from Mercosurs official website. Website http//, Profile Mercosur Common Market of the South. Retrieved November 19, 2007, from Internation Organisations Website http//
Saturday, March 30, 2019
A Tree, A Rock, A Cloud by Carson McCuller
A Tree, A Rock, A Cloud by Carson McCullerPhilosophy of the modernism and postmodernism stopover takes twists and turns at every chance it can. As the realism begins to change at a speed previously unseen, flock t give a sort ensemble over the world are confused and srailway cared of what superpower come next. Though today writers meet taken to the internet to read the world their ideas, writers during these periods expressed the feelings human beings felt through many different genres of literature. First a man must help those around him provided indeed the philosophy shifts to a man must help himself to plus significance in this backup. As each man struggles to baring a place for himself in the world, each man is also subject to the actions of others. So each man is a master of his own destiny except yet he is also a slave to the whims of others. This knowledge scares men, women and children all over the world. Yet human beings continue to project themselves amon g the fear. We all find meaning for ourselves yet sometimes head teachers arise after we find the meaning which defines our life. Some questions being Is this the meaning I wasted my time on? Is this worth all the time I spent alvirtuoso? In A Tree, A Rock, A Cloud by Carson McCullers these questions pop out to me after reading the hikers so called skill of sleep together.The shake off in the base had his heart broken by a woman so earnestly he believed he could never heat again. spell the philosophy of rage today would suggest otherwise, the tramp wandered the country in isolation, searching for his alienated deal and searching for fill in itself. He believes he has discovered the scientific discipline of savor, his own personal philosophy he uses to define his life in the world. He never finds the woman he held to be so close nor does he find a nonher woman he get alongs as oft as her plain after he develops his skill of acknowledge. The disillusionment the tr amp faces after losing his first love tears down the natural kayo of what love really is. Natural not scientific I should say. cognition can tell many things and uncover many truths precisely one thing science has no power over is the ability we put one across to love freely. This I believe the tramp fails to understand.The tramp tried to separate love. Thats like trying to tear Mount Everest apart with a preventive mallet. It cant be done. Nor can you apply logic to love. You cannot apply logic to something that contradicts itself as much as love does. Yet the tramp did not realize this as he tried to break down love. The tramp tells the boy he speaks to I meditated on love and reasoned it out. all in all he reasoned out was how to believe he loved something or someone. He believed love was only one love. According to his science you could love a rock as easily and as deeply as you loved a woman or your child. This is not the case as most would agree. I myself have never lo ved my iPod or my car as much as I have loved my girlfriends or my family. The tramp failed to realize many things merely chief among them was that love comes not from what others can give you to quarter you happy but rather love exists when your desire to make another happy matchs your own desire to make yourself happy. An dyspnoeal object could never return the love that men chase, so this science of love is base on false beliefs.Another question that comes to mind after reading the story is how can you love an inanimate object as deeply as you could a person and then loss said object? Do you react the same way you would if your parents died? If my iPod breaks (again) you wont see me crying and mourning something that cannot be replaced with a hardly a(prenominal) hundred dollars. While I wont exactly be stir to hand out that money, its easier than losing a loved one. Once again the science of love is incorrect.The tramp was isolated from the human world as he traveled the co untry developing his science. He tried to replace the love he held for this woman with a love for other things. As Thoreau at a time said There is no remedy for love but to love more. Perhaps this is what the tramp thought as he traveled the country. He could not love the woman who left him anymore so he began to love everything he could in hopes of finding a love skilful as strong as his first love. Although I could not find his last name a man named Jeffery once said write out never dies, even if you have found a youthful love, the sweet-scented memory of the past will continue to hunt you for the rest of your life. So no matter what the tramp did the memory of his past love would baffle with him forever. He might animadvert about her less and less but she will never truly be gone from his heart. This is true to me because even though I rarely think of her, I can lull remember the feeling I got when I held the first girl I ever loved in my arms. Such depth of love does not disappear we just live on accustomed to the lost. Once again the science of love could not explain the true depth of love.The tramp should have labeled this theory on love as the philosophy of love because thats all it really is. To use the world science is to imply that thither are hard facts behind the theory.This work of literature aimed to create a atomization and disillusionment of love. The disillusionment came from the shattering of the naivety of what love is. The fragmentation came from the attempt to apply reasoning to something as complex as love. While in the present day most would agree that this science is sham and full of false perceptions, how it was received in the post modernism period reflects how the world society felt about love. With the rising of all the new sciences and the conflict of World War II, many people around the world were lost and searching for answers. At the rapid rate the world seemed to become engulfed in the war, people everywhere must have questioned when they were going to be swallowed by the war. So at a time of war love was a very precious thing. Yet what was love? For people all across time have had questions about love, and this story attempts to explain what McCullers had to think of love.In conclusion, while this story has a spotty philosophy on love at best, it does open the mind to think a rubbish about love. Love itself is an experience to have in any life we might imagine for ourselves. We all must understand however that love will strike us however and whenever it so chooses. Love is an emotion and all emotions rise when we least expect them. Logic cannot be utilize to emotion. McCullers tried to apply logic to love through this story but like William Shakespeare once said To say the truth, reason and love keep little company together now-a-days.
Dc Power Source Utilization Engineering Essay
Dc Power start Utilization Engineering EssayM each industrial operations entertain begun to require racy position apparatus in young years. Some mediocre voltage motor scrams and utility lotions require medium voltage and megawatt might level. For a medium voltage grid, it is trouble several(prenominal) to combine however wholeness mogul semiconductor switch directly. As a ending, a multilevel baron inverter twist has been introduced as an alternative in high major federal agencyfulness and medium voltage business offices. A multilevel inverter is a power electronic device create to synthesize a craved AC voltage from several(prenominal) levels of DC voltages.The concept of multilevel shifters has been introduced since 1975. The term multilevel began with the terzetto-level transpo charmr. Subsequently, several multilevel converter topologies have been developed. Plentiful multilevel converter topologies have been proposed during the last ii decades. Cont emporary research has set-aside(p) novel converter topologies and unique modulation schemes. Moreover, there argon ternion different major multilevel converter structures which ar cascaded H-bridges converter with dampen dc outsets, diode clamped (neutral-clamped), and flying capacitors (capacitor clamped) 1 Although the diode clamped multilevel inverter is comm al one and only(a) discussed in the literature, there has been considerable interest in the series connected or cascaded H-bridge inverter topologies 2. However, the elementary concept of a multilevel converter to achieve high power is to hire a series of power semiconductor switches with several beginninger voltage dc tooth roots to perform the power conversion by synthesizing a staircase voltage prosperform. Capacitors, batteries, and renewable energy voltage germs stinkpot be engagementd as the quadruple dc voltage sources 1.multilevel power conversion has become increasingly popular in upstart years due to advantages of high power quality waveforms, low electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) concerns, low permutation losses, and high-voltage capability. The primary disadvantage of multilevel power conversion technology is the large add together of semiconductor devices infallible. This does not fruit a signifi layaboutt cost maturation since lower-voltage devices whitethorn be utilize. However, an increase in gate drive hitchry and much elaborate mechanical layout atomic number 18 need 3.Project OverviewThis roll go away involve in the foundation and construction of a star bod 3-level H-bridge inverter apply the IGBTs. An H-bridge is an electronic move which enables a voltage to be utilize across a lodge in either direction. These tours allow DC motors to run forwards and chokewards. H-bridges ar available as integrated hitchs, or contri scarcee be built from discrete components.In this single physique H-bridge inverter circuit, the IGBTs atomic number 18 utilise as power devices that will be operated as a switch by applying control prognostic to gate terminal of IGBTs. The insulated gate bipolar combination transistor or IGBT is a three-terminal power semiconductor device, noted for high strength and fast switching.The softw are that will be used is MATLAB Simulink. Simulink is a technical tool for temperling, simulating and analyzing multido all important(p) dynamic systems. Its primary interface is a graphical hold on diagramming tool and a customizable set of stymy libraries.The Aims and ObjectivesThe aim of this objectify is to simulate a single phase 3-level H-bridge inverter (DC to AC converter) using the MATLAB Simulink and constructed it.The objectives of this project are as followsTo investigate the use of H-bridge inverter.To assemble using the software, circuits implementation, and troubleshoot for the hardware.To learn the operation of the single-phase 3-level inverter for software and hardware.CHAPTER 2LITE RATURE REVIEWInverterPower electronics converters may be classified into four categories based on the source and types of the want sidetrack characteristics as shown in underframe 1.1 belowOUTPUTACDCACINPUTRECTIFIERREGULATORSDCCHOPPERSINVERTERS see to it 2.1 Converter ClassificationDC-to-AC converter is k without crackn as inverter. The function of an inverter is to change a DC enter voltage to a symmetrical AC product voltage of desire order of magnitude and relative frequency. The variable product voltage could be fixed or variable at a fixed or variable frequency. Inverter foot be built in m two output portend phases which is normally use in practice like single phase inverter and three phase inverter. The implementation of the inverter circuit must to be involved in application of the power devices like SCR, MOSFET, IGBT, GTO, and Forced-Commutated Thyristor which is controlled to turning ON and turning-OFF in its operation as a converter. This inverter generally us e PWM control signal for producing an AC output voltage 3.Single Phase H-Bridge Inverter OperationThe H-Bridge Inverter or sometimes called just Bridge consists of four switches (see Figure 2.2). A boost converter is required as this system has no means of stepping up the input. Switches S1-S4, and S2-S3 make up two switch pairs. When S1and S4 are on, the output voltage is a confirmatory pulse, and when S2 and S3 are on, the output is a banish pulse. The phase sequence, frequency, output magnitude and harmonics can be controlled through appropriate switching devices, in accompaniment with other equipment.Figure 2.2 Single phase H-bridge inverterSingle Phase multilevel H-Bridges InverterThere are two types of multilevel H-bridge inverter that can be selected in this project which are classifyd dc source and single DC source. These two types have its pros and cons. The advantages of separated DC source areThe number of possible output voltage levels is more than twice the number of dc sources (m = 2s + 1).The series of H-bridges makes for modularized layout and packaging. This will enable the manufacturing process to be done more quickly and cheaply.while the disadvantage isSeparate dc sources are required for each of the H-bridges. This will limit its application to products that already have multiple SDCSs readily available.Each H-bridge cell requires an a discriminate(p) dc source. The isolated sources are typically provided from a transformer/rectifier arrangement, tho may be supplied from batteries, capacitors or photovoltaic arrays to add up the output voltages. This topology was patented by Robicon collection in 1996 and is one of the companies standard drive products.2On the other hand, for the single DC source multilevel H-bridge inverter, the advantage of this type of connection is only one DC tack is used. This will not limit its application to products. And the disadvantage of single DC source is transformer is needed to add up the output voltagesSeparated DC Source multilevel H-Bridges InverterA single-phase structure of an m-level cascaded inverter is illustrated in Figure 2.3. Each separate dc source (SDCS) is connected to a single-phase full-bridge, or H-bridge, inverter. Each inverter level can generate three different voltage outputs, +Vdc, 0, and -Vdc by connecting the dc source to the ac output by different combinations of the four switches, S1, S2, S3, and S4. To obtain +Vdc, switches S1 and S4 are turned on, whereas -Vdc can be obtained by turning on switches S2 and S3. By turning on S1 and S2 or S3 and S4, the output voltage is 0. The ac outputs of each of the different full-bridge inverter levels are connected in series such that the synthesized voltage waveform is the spirit of the inverter outputs. The number of output phase voltage levels m in a cascade inverter is defined by m = 2s+1, where s is the number of separate dc sources 1.Figure 2.3 Single-phase structure of a multilevel cascaded H-bridges i nverterAn example phase voltage waveform for a nine-level cascaded inverter and all H-bridge cell output waveforms are shown in Figure 2.4. In this thesis, all dc voltages are fictive to be equal. According to sinusoidal-liked waveform, each H-bridge output waveform must be quarter-symmetric as illustrated by V1 waveform in Figure 2.2. Obviously, no thus off the beaten track(predicate) harmonic components are available in such a waveform. To smear THD, all switching angles must be numerically calculated.Figure 2.4 waveform showing a nine-level output phase voltage and each H-bridge output voltage.One of the advantages of this structure is the number of possible output voltage levels is more than twice the number of dc sources (m = 2s + 1). The other advantage is the series of H-bridges makes for modularized layout and packaging. This will enable the manufacturing process to be done more quickly and cheaply. On the other hand, the main disadvantage of this topology is that separa te dc sources are required for each of the H-bridges. This will limit its application to products that already have multiple SDCSs readily available. The sources are typically provided from a transformer/rectifier arrangement, but may be supplied from batteries, capacitors or photovoltaic arrays.Single DC source Multilevel H-Bridges InverterReferred to Zhong Du1, Leon M. Tolbert, John N. Chiasson, and Burak -zpineci thesis entitled A Cascade Multilevel Inverter development a Single DC Source, a regularity is presented showing that a cascade multilevel inverter can be implemented using only a single DC power source and capacitors. Without requiring transformers, the scheme proposed allows the use of a single DC power source for examples a onslaught or a fuel cell stack while the stay n1 DC sources being capacitors.Figure 2.5 shows the Single DC source Multilevel H-Bridges Inverter. The DC source for the eldest H-bridge (H1) is a DC power source with an output voltage of Vdc, whil e the DC source for the second H-bridge (H2) is a capacitor voltage to be held at Vdc/2. The output voltage of the first H-bridge is denoted by v1 and the output of the second H-bridge is denoted by v2 so that the output of this two DC source cascade multilevel inverter is v(t) = v1(t)+v2(t). By opening and decision the switches of H1 appropriately, the output voltage v1 can be make equal to Vdc, 0, or Vdc while the output voltage of H2 can be made equal to Vdc/2, 0, or Vdc/2 by opening and closing its switches appropriately.Figure 2.5 Single DC source Multilevel H-Bridges InverterIGBTs Versus MOSFETsThe power MOSFET is a device that is voltage- and not current-controlled. MOSFETs have a positive temperature coefficient, stopping thermal runaway. The on-state-resistance has no theoretical limit, hence on-state losses can be far lower. The MOSFET besides has a consistency-drain diode, which is placeicularly useful in dealing with special free wheeling currents. All these advant ages and the comparative elimination of the current go after soon meant that the MOSFET became the device of choice for power switch forges.Then in the 1980s the IGBT came along. The IGBT combines the cross between the power MOSFET and a bipolar power transistor (see Figure 2.2). The IGBT has the output switching and conduction characteristics of a bipolar transistor but is voltage-controlled like a MOSFET. In general, this means it has the advantages of high-current discussion capability of a bipolar with the ease of control of a MOSFET. However, the IGBT unsounded has the disadvantages of a comparatively large current tail and no body drain diode. Early versions of the IGBT are too prone to latch up, but nowadays, this is pretty well eliminated. Another potential problem with some IGBT types is the negative temperature co-efficient, which could lead to thermal runaway and makes the analogueing of devices hard to effectively achieve. This problem is now being addressed in the latest generations of IGBTs that are based on non-punch through (NPT) technology. This technology has the same basic IGBT structure (see Figure 2.6) but is based on bulk-diffused silicon, rather than the epitaxial material that both IGBTs and MOSFETs have historically used 4.Figure 2.6 NPT IGBT cross sectionThe comparisons between MOSFETs and IGBTs are as belowTable 2.1 Comparisons between IGBTs and MOSFETsIGBTsMOSFETsCharacteristics kickoff duty cycle gloomy frequency (Narrow or small line or laden variations spunky-voltage applications (1000V)5kW output powerOperation at high junction temperature is allowed (100C)Long duty cyclesHigh frequency applications (200kHz)Wide line or load variationsLow-voltage applications (ApplicationsMotor control Frequency Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) Constant load, typically low frequencyWelding High comely current, low frequency (Low-power lighting Low frequency (Switch mode power supplies (SMPS) Hard switching above 200kHzSwitch mode power supplies (SMPS) ZVS below 1000 wattsBattery charging 4Applications of InvertersThere are many application of inverter available today. Some of the applications are as followsDC power source utilizationAn inverter converts the DC galvanising automobileity from sources such as batteries, solar panels, or fuel cells to AC electricity. The electricity can be at any required voltage in particular it can operate AC equipment designed for mains operation, or rectified to produce DC at any desired voltage.Grid tie inverters can feed energy back into the distribution network because they produce alternating current with the same wave shape and frequency as supplied by the distribution system. They can also switch off automatically in the event of a blackout.Micro-inverters convert direct current from individual solar panels into alternating current for the electric grid.Electric vehicle drivesAdjustable speed motor control inverters are currently used to power the traction motor in some ele ctric locomotives and diesel-electric locomotives as well as some onslaught electric vehicles and hybrid electric highway vehicles such as the Toyota Prius. versatile improvements in inverter technology are being developed specifically for electric vehicle applications. In vehicles with regenerative braking, the inverter also takes power from the motor (now acting as a generator) and stores it in the batteries.Uninterruptible power suppliesAn uninterruptible power supply (UPS) uses batteries and an inverter to supply AC power when main power is not available. When main power is restored, a rectifier is used to supply DC power to recharge the batteries.Variable-frequency drivesA variable-frequency drive controls the operating speed of an AC motor by controlling the frequency and voltage of the power supplied to the motor. An inverter provides the controlled power. In most cases, the variable-frequency drive includes a rectifier so that DC power for the inverter can be provided from main AC power. Since an inverter is the list component, variable-frequency drives are sometimes called inverter drives or just inverters.Induction heatingInverters convert low frequency main AC power to a higher frequency for use in induction heating. To do this, AC power is first rectified to provide DC power. The inverter then changes the DC power to high frequency AC power.CHAPTER 3METHODOLOGYIntroductionThis chapter exposes the proposed method of this project to built single phase multilevel H-bridge inverter. This project can be divided into two main parts of study which are software and hardware implementation. For the software part, the software used is PIC24 Compiler that used to do the programming for the microcontroller part and MATLAB to do the simulation of the inverter circuit in advance implemented it in hardware. In addition, Proteus 7 Professional is also used to simulate the number one wood circuit before do the hardware. The compact of the project is shown in Figure 3.1.Software Part Prepared(Microcontroller) hardware Part PreparedTroubleshootingInterfacingResultFigure 3.1 The project summary form of the H-Bridge Inverter SystemThe H-Bridge inverter system can be divided into three main stages that were constructed. It is consists ofMicrocontrollerPower electronics driverPower electronics inverterEach part was treated as a separate functional block system. Figure 3.2 below shows the block diagram of how each stage of the inverter system are organized. Power electronic driver circuit and microcontroller stage is the low voltage side and power electronics inverter circuit is the high voltage side.DC electromotive force InputAC OutputPower Electronics Inverter spellMicrocontrollerPower Electronic Driver CircuitFigure 3.2 The block diagram of the inverter systemMicrocontrollerMicrocontroller is a computer-on-a-chip optimised to control electronic devices. The microcontroller chip used for this project is PIC16F877A. In this project, microc ontroller is used to develop the triggering signal for the IGBTs and interfacing to the single phase inverter circuit as a control signal for the gate driver.To implement the microcontroller part, the program for triggering the IGBTs was written in assembly speech communication using the PIC C Compiler. It is written in the text editor in chief or notepad called as source code. It also can be written directly in the PIC C Compiler. Then the file save is *file.c file. After the program is successfully compiled, the *file.hex file was generated. The hex file was tested by doing the simulation in the Proteus 7 Professional to see the output generated from the program. After got the correct output, the *file.hex file then was uploaded in the PIC16F877A using the PIC programmer. The process of implementing the microcontroller is shown in Figure 3.3. This microcontroller part is the first part that was implemented in hardware.Figure 3.3 The process of implementing the microcontrollerP ower Electronics DriverA driver is an electronic component used to control another circuit or other component, such as a high-power transistor. opposed the bipolar transistor, which is current driven, IGBTs, with their insulated gates, are voltage driven. It is allows user to speed up or slow down the switching speeds according to the requirements of the application.The control circuitry supplied low current driving signals that are attendenced to controller-ground. A logic one signal was employ to its gate with respect to its source to turn on an IGBT switch, and this signal needs to restrain sufficient power. These requirements can not be met by the control circuit. Figure 3.5 shows a diagram of how signals need to be applied to IGBT switches for effective operation.Figure 3.4 Control signals need to be applied to the gate with respect to the sourceThe driver chose is IR2110 which is a dual driver. The IR2110 High Voltage Bridge Driver is a power integrated circuit that is desi gned to drive two insulated gate devices. The typical connection of the driver is shown in Figure 3.5. The two channels of the IR2110 are completely free of one another. The HO output is controlled by the HIN input, and the LO output is controlled by the LIN input. The two inputs of the IR2110 are logically coupled to the shutdown (SD) pin through an AND gate. If HIN and LIN both go high, then the IR2110 will be shut down until one or both inputs go low. This measure helps prevent the catastrophic situation where both Q1 and Q2 turn on at the same time and piffling circuit the input source. 5Figure 3.5 Typical connection of IR2110 High Voltage Bridge DriverIsolation using the optocouplerAn optocoupler or sometimes refer to as optoisolator allows two circuits to exchange signals yet remain electrically isolated. This is normally accomplished by using light to relay the signal. The standard optocoupler circuits design uses a LED shining on a phototransistor. The signal is applied to the LED, which then shines on the transistor in the ic. The optocoupler circuit is shown in Figure 3.6 below. In this project, the optocoupler is used as the source and destination are at very different voltage levels, where the source is the microprocessor which is operating from 5V DC but it being used to control the IGBTs which is switching at higher voltage. In such situations the link between the two must be an isolated one, to protect the microprocessor from overvoltage damage. The optocouplers can be used with following advantages for driving high side IGBT in any topologyThey can be used to give a very high isolation voltageSignals from DC to several MHz can be handled by opto-couplers.They can be easily interfaced to Microcomputers or other controller ICs or any PWM IC.Figure 3.6 Optocoupler circuitThe circuit of low side voltage which consists of PIC, driver and optocoupler was first constructed in the Proteus 7 Professional to see the output generated to be compared with the hardware results. The circuit is as in Figure 3.7 below.Figure 3.7 Low side voltage simulationPower Electronic InverterThe power electronics inverter part is the main part of the system. This is because this circuit will perform the conversion from DC to AC. The circuit consists of four IGBT that act as a switch, DC source and also the load. Figure 3.8 shows a diagram of the H-Bridge power electronics inverter stage.Figure 3.8 H-Bridge power electronics inverter stage.But for this project, the inverter circuit used is the 3-level H-bridge inverter circuit. The circuit was first constructed in the MATLAB as in Figure 3.9 and the simulation of the circuit was done to see the result of simulation.Figure 3.9 3-level H-bridge inverter circuit constructed in MATLABThe block parameter for the IGBTs was set as in Figure 3.10. The switching frequency used for this circuit is 50Hz. So, the stage of waveform can be calculated as below faulting frequency, f = N / PfFundamental period, Pf = 1 / f fundamental = 1/ 50 = 0.02sFigue 3.10 The block parameter setting for the IGBTsIn addition, the phase delay or switching times of the IGBTs were also set. Table 3.1 below shows the switching time of the IGBTs. After the simulation was success, the circuit of single 3-level H-bridge inverter was constructed.Table 3.1 The switching time of the IGBTsIGBTsSwitching periodIGBT 1 and IGBT 310 ms ()IGBT 2 and IGBT 40 ms (0 )IGBT 5 and IGBT 77 ms (/7)IGBT 6 and IGBT 83 ms (/3)For the switch, IRGB10B60KDPBF IGBT was selected for this design. It is very important to choose the correct switches for the inverter circuit because the performance of the design is directly depends on this. This IGBT was chosen because it has ultra fast recovery diode along, it offered benchmark capacity for motor control and excellent current sharing in parallel operation. In addition the IGBT was selected as they are able withstand the power rating of the inverter. Table 3.2 shows some of the features of the selected IGBT.Table 3.2 The features of IRGB10B60KDPBF IGBTCharacteristicsValueDrain to Source Voltage (Vds)600VDrain Current (Id)12ARise Time20nsFall Time23nsShort Circuit Capability10sFigure 3.4 3-level H-bridge inverter circuit
Friday, March 29, 2019
Development of Forensic Science Methods
Development of rhetorical Science MethodsThe Criminal Justice System of England in the 18th degree Celsius initially consisted of perpetrators being privately prosecuted by their victim, with the victims playing the role of the vicious investigator deriveing and submitting read, paying fees to cover the expenses of the constables time in club to apprehend the pretend, filing charges with the local magistrates and presenting conclusion to the grand jury. However, the development of the CJS has resulted in professional bodies gathering and submitting evidence, on board the representation of victims in court by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), victim support services and thither atomic number 18 an array of specialist courts in existence who handle cases special to their knowledgeable subject.The Contribution of rhetorical Science to Police InvestigationAs cited by Pyreck (2007, p. 4), The National Institue of Justice (NIJ. 1998) defines rhetorical science as the dilige nce of scientific knowledge to the legal system. Thornton (1997) observes, Forensic comes to us from the Latin forensus importation of the forum. In ancient Rome, the forum was where governmental debates were held, but it was also where trials were held. It was the courthouse. So, forensic science has come to mean the application of the natural and physical sciences to the steadiness of conflicts within a legal setting. The Home Office Report (2005, p. vii) proposes that factors such(prenominal) as the degree of integration and communication between police and scientific support appe atomic number 18d to be important in determining retrieval rates. Forensic science was initially a conventional means to corroborate suspect offenders, so far due to procedures such as DNA testing the musical composition goes on to state that at that place is an increase in the proportion of playscript crime offences spy using forensic evidence. In the UK, it is estimated that, for directly det ected volume crimes, the main evidence securing the contracting was forensic in more than than one quarter of cases. Databases such as AFIS and NDNA run systems which tender comparable with(predicate) results from forensic evidence to apprehend offenders on the system with a detection rate of attaining perpetrators in seven in ten cases, which can transform to be the solution to a further 0.4 open cases on the system. reproduce evidence can be found 41% of the time at scenes of vehicle crimes, 45% of non-residential burglaries and one in three residential burglary scenes with 10% of scenes providing DNA evidence. However, it proves to be difficult to collect forensic evidence when scenes are in advanceible, provoke been purged or the offender has been vigilant. It can also be difficult to doom suspects with a positive DNA match when there is deficient evidence or the individual provides a legitimate alibi. The use of forensic measures in court however, have proven to impac t cases in a positive light namely for theft, murder and burgulary cases, with an increase of 17% for burglary alongside this, the appraisal of DNA and riffleprint evidence augments a jurys decision to convict in cases of homicide and rape.Methodology Applied when Gathering Blood Spatter licence and Other Samples in Criminal InvestigationForensic Scientists can gather a more accurate profile of the perpetrator and how the crime was act by gathering and analysing the following examplesHair depth psychologyFiber abstractGlass FragmentsPaint Chips AnalysisSoil AnalysisBallistics musical instrumentmarksBitemarksFingerprintsfootgearTire ImpressionsBlood Spatter AnalysisDNA AnalysisBlood, Semen, and spit (DNA matching and typewrite blood-spatter analysisNonhuman DNA (dog, cat, deer, whales)Drugs (drug acknowledgment, forensic pathology)Explosives (bomb and incendiarism identifications and source traces)Fibers (fiber typing, source identification, and matching)Hair (hair typing and matching)Fingerprints (fingerprint matching, AFIS, etc.)Bones (gender and age typing, identification of remains weapon identification)Wound analysis (weapon typing physical drift patterning)Firearms and ammunition (ballistics and tool-mark identification)Powder residues (shootings, suicides)Glass (glass typing and matching)Foot, tire and fabric impressions (impression typing and matching)Paint (paint typing and matching in automobile collisions, hit and run) vegetable oil products (product typing and matching)Plastic bags (typing and matching garbage bags as suffocation invention or when used in transports)Soils and minerals (mineral typing and matching forensic geology)Tool marks (tool identification and matching homicides, burglary, home invasions, etc.)Wood and vegetative number (plant typing and matching plant DNA)RAPD matching limnology, Forest Service testing groundInsects, larvae, maggots forensic entomology time of death location analyses)(Kiely, F. T. 2006, p. 50)One o f the underlie principles behind forensic analysis is the concept that when cardinal individuals come in contact with one a nonher, or if an individual comes in contact with an object, there is a high probability of delight of biological material (skin, hair, etc.). The transfer does not always have to be as obvious as blood, (Missouri State Highway Patrol, p. 22). Due to this, it is important to collect samples from all those whom have been in contact with the victim and the scene of the crime to avoid illegitimate implications by eliminating those individuals whom do not match the suspects DNA profile.Analysing Blood, Semen and spittle SamplesHair is a biological specimen of the body and may be associated back to its source through DNA analysis (although DNA is not always successfully extracted from hair), (Missouri State Highway Patrol page. 30). Alternatively, materials stained with blood, semen, tongue can be collected, be ensured to be air dried onwards placed in a pape r bag and sealed, then labeled with the identification of the contents, exhibit number, initial and date. For porous material such as cloth and leather, investigators are advised to cut the area containing the stain however for nonporous materials such as glass and metal, stains are removed via a cotton plant swab that has been moistened with piss and for liquid stains, a clean cotton swab is immersed in the sample. In terms of collecting semen samples, when the specimen is not drying-out, alternatively, condoms are to be frozen. When collecting a Buccal (Oral) swab, two to four swabs must be vigorously rubbed on the interior of the case for a minimum of 30secs to a minute to recover epithelial (skin) create from raw material which must then be labelled with the individuals names.The Application of Fingerprint realisationWhen fingerprint evidence found in a body of water is collected, it should remain in the original water. A watertight container should be take down into the w ater and allowed to fill. This allows the evidence to be placed in the container without exposing it to the air. If fingerprint evidence found in water is allowed to dry before processing, the likelihood of ontogeny prints of value dramatically decreases.(Missouri State Highway Patrol) page. 17)The Automated Fingerprint assignment System (AFIS) is a database which stores fingerprints that have been taken from suspects, whether they have been incarcerated or not due to which perpetrators are easily identified, without having a definitive suspect, as their prints are already present on the system. Latent fingerprints on nonporous materials send packing rapidly upon prolonged exposure to high temperature and humidity. Consequently, items should be processed and/or forwarded to a laboratory as soon as possible A ruled scale should be used when photographing latent prints. Latent prints on materials are to be handled with gloves and placed in a cellophane protector, whereas latent pr ints on surfaces such as plastic cards, metal plates and glass bottles are dusted with finger print powder and then extracted with lifting tape and placed on a 3 x 5 card, which contrasts in color with the dusting powder used.behavioural Science SupportAs cited by Alison and Rainbow (2011), the crime scene is presumed to study the murderers behaviour and personality in much the same way as furnishings reveal the homeowners character (Douglas et al., 1992 21)(Alison, L. and Rainbow, L. 2011 p. 19)Full verbal case briefing and access to the SIO/investigation teamAll relevant statementsCrime reportsAny officers reports/ experimental condition reportsPathology and forensic reports/findingsFull set of crime scene and pst -mortem photographsAvailable analysis (e.g. telephony, palynology, entomology, etc)Relevant mapsVisit to all relevant scenes allows the BIA to gain fuller spirit of the decision-making process of the offender. Such information is not routinely available from (the supra mentioned methods), where often the evidential focus is too restrictive to provide the undeniable behavioural survey.(Alison, L. and Rainbow, L. 2011 p. 25)Behavioural Investigative Advisors (BIAs) provide a theoretical perspective in investigations via the use of forensic psychology to support investigators by implementing methods such as crime scene assessment DNA screening suspect prioritisation familial DNA nominal pool generation interview dodging media strategy offender background characteristics and investigation strategy, (Newburn, T. Et al. p.. 658).In order to serve an accurate evaluation, BIAs require case materials such as transport refer to vermiform appendix. 1 Example of the BIAs work.The BIA are able bodies whom provide expertise in offender profiling to connect cases where correlating physical evidence is not evident. The Serious Crime Analysis Section (SCAS) of the NPIA, through their rule to collect and analyse a range of sexually motivated offences end-to- end the UK, now has more than 16,500 offences on ViCLAS (Violent Crimes Linkage Analysis System) database, (Alison, L. and Rainbow, L. 2011 p. 25).AppendixAppendix 1 Example of the BIAs work.(Alison, L. and Rainbow, L. 2011) Case Study 2, folder 1FF, 194528.jpg
Effect of Stigma on Mental Health
publication of Stigma on Mental HealthFrom thousands of years, debate has been going on among practiti unitaryrs how to treat intellectual disappointmentness. Several modifications have been done from burning, chaining, locking them in homes and dr unhingeding their heads to unchaining and treating them resembling humans (Foerschner, 2010). But the nurses who work in mental wellness setting hushed face the problems in delivering c be in a sucker free environment in order to nurture the wellness of mentally ill patients (Stuart, 2009). For such mentally ill clients we quest to accept their behavior rather than chumptization (Angermeyer Matschinger, 2003). Stigma is a arrangement of prejudicious emplacements, beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors that influence the unmarried, or the general public, to fear, reject, avoid, be prejudiced, and discriminate battalion (Gary, 2005). The reason behind selection of this topic is that to accepting mentally ill patient with the intenti on of promoting their health. In West, stigma to mental illness is in good order recognized, equally managed and prevented. Yet, in Eastern cultures, being mentally ill is still seen as a mark of dishonor for family, mental health patients ar still stigmatized and well-disposedly isolated and supposed as being preoccupied by evil spirit or jinn (Naeem, Ayub, Javed, Irfan, Haral Kingdon, 2006). Additionally, mental health is considered to be the most avoided field in Pakistan due to the stigma attached to it (Qasim, 2012). non so long I have being in psychiatric setting where we all were sitting in caf having our switch together, suddenly a man in brown traditional clothes with leather summit wearing black goggles ask one of our ally if he want some tea? he answered no, that somebody sit down on nearby table and ask waiter to bugger off one zinger burger. While noting his getup which was not according to weather and unusual behavior, my colleague abruptly ask our faculty Ma am is he screwball or what? After hearing those words that patient suddenly pushes his professorship and leaves the caf. This is how people unintentionally target psychiatric patient by collision their egotism-esteem rather accepting them as a short-circuit-dance of party and understand there awkward behavior as a part of their illness. In a night club stigma marks a sharpness between normal and outsider, and between us and them (Link Phelan, 2001). Question is how we can break this boundary of discrimination which is causing barrier to recovery of mentally ill clients?The case scenario will now be analyzed on a social cognitive model explains how public and self stigma ar formed and maintained. There are 3 components that structure this model are stereotype, prejudice, and discrimination. Social psychologists see stereotypes as information learned by society (Augoustinos, Ahrens, Innes, 1994 Esses, Haddock, Zanna, 1994 Hilton von Hippel, 1996 Judd Park, 1993 Krueger , 1996 Mullen, Rozell, Johnson, 1996). Without thinking we quickly create expectation and impression of people who sufficient in to a stereotyped group, (Hamilton Sherman, 1994) just like my colleague mark that person as mad. Prejudice endorse people may show a negative reactions by supporting their learned negative stereotype. (Devine, 1988, 1989, 1995 Hilton von Hippel, 1996 Krueger, 1996). Prejudice may lead to discriminatory behavior (Weiner, 1995) just like my colleague discriminate that person as one who is not pursual societal norms and discriminate his behavior from normal to abnormal (for social cognitive model refer vermiform process fig 1.).Being stigmatized has several subtle consummations on the individual, the immediate family and the community too. At first in the name of honor or embarrassment, the individual and family doesnt reach the health care provider for discourse options. It also cause non-adherence to effective treatment regimen. Self stigma is an other effect resulting in low self esteem, negative self perception and self care when a person internalizes the discriminatory behavior and societal stigmatizing attitude. Lastly stigma has also affects the attitude of health care provider. Study has shown that in hospital setting nurses presentment punishing attitude and use unacceptable manner for treating them, like unnecessarily retraining them (Pinto-Foltz Logsdon, 2009).To reduce stigma and discrimination against people with mental health disorders the largest ever program was launched in England on Jan 21, 2009, called Time to Change. By referring social cognitive model this program aims to show that stir is possible that would bring hope to people who are deleteriously exhausted by discrimination (refer appendix fig 2.) (Henderson Thornicroft). A few procedures for stigma decrease are accounted in the literature. These interventions and techniques might be used at diverse directs the intrapersonal, interpersonal, organ isational/institutional, group, and governmental/structural (McLeroy et al, 1988 Richard et al, 1996). Firstly, intrapersonal level has always remained a primary focus to throw the behavior of an individual. Interventions are done to change the individuals knowledge, behavior, attitude, self concept, enhancing self esteem, coping skills, strengthening, and financial support. We can carry out these interventions via individual counseling or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and Self help advocacy and support groups (Heijnders Van Der Meij, 2006). Secondly, intervention at interpersonal level deals with the collision of social gathering and social support on the health of mentally ill client. The interpersonal environment of the patient includes their family, friends and work environment. They intend to fabricate connections between patient and his/her interpersonal environment in order to quicken or promote their health. This could be carry out through caution and support by family, Home care teams, and Community-based rehabilitation (Heijnders Van Der Meij, 2006). Furthermore, the organizational level also being used in order to change the perception of public towards stigma and its effect on individual. This could be consummate(a) through training programs and institutional changes which increase knowledge of the disease and effect of stigma on the lives of mentally ill clients (Heijnders Van Der Meij, 2006). Additionally stigma reduction can be intervene at community level whose aim is to increase knowledge about mental illness and stigma attached to it. For stigma reduction campaign, education is often used as a first step and it may combine with the other strategies as well. Educational interventions may include presentations, discussions, simulations, audiotapes, and movies, focusing specific populations (Heijnders Van Der Meij, 2006). Lastly, on governmental level work can be carried out in order to structure such policy which aims to protect the rights of the people who are suffering from stigmatizing illness (Heijnders Van Der Meij, 2006). The World Health Organization (WHO) argued that policies on discrimination, access to prevention and care, confidentiality of care and individuals rights can behave a significant impact (2002).In Conclusion it is recommended that clients dignity and safety should remain paramount at all times. To break the chain of stigma the social cognitive model should be vigilantly applied in psychiatric setting. Patient-centred approach is required, which starts with intrapersonal level, which gives power to affected person to development self esteem and stigma reduction related programs at other levels. There is nothing either good or bad, barely thinking makes it so (Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act 2 Scene 2).
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Alchemy, The Foundation of Science Essay -- Scientific Research
As the last drops fell from the internal-combustion engine to my tongue, I wondered - only for an instant - what perhaps Id never know. What would it taste like, what would it shade like, if that politic sliding down my throat was not champagne. But the elixir of carriage (Neville). The concept of an elixir of life discussed in Katherine Nevilles book, The Eight, is by no means a new concept. In fact, it is one of the important goals of of a group of people, alchemists, who first recorded their instituteings 2500 years agone (Bateman). Alchemists create greatly shaped much of science and society. Alchemy has a in truth foresighted history that also reaches around the world. Though long associated in the Western world with medieval Europe, alchemy was a doctrine and proto-scientific put common to ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Babylonia, Persia, India, China, Japan, Korea, Greece, and Rome (Campbell). Alchemy is believed though, to have started in every Egypt or China. (Batema n) Alchemy was the attempt to transmute, or change, one core group into other (Campbell). And alchemy, at its core, was an attempt to understand, deconstruct, and reconstruct proposition (Campbell). This is very identical to the mapping of chemistry, which is to understand matter and the changes matter undergoes. Alchemists were hoping to use their understanding of matter to match three tasks. Alchemists worked to find the elixir, a drink that could make a mortal live forever the panacea, a medicine that could cure only illnesses and the Philosophers Stone, which could turn any metal into gold (Bateman). Much of the work of alchemists is remembered as the work of wizards and witches. They made potions and remedies and thought that matter could be alter using magic (Bateman). And eve... ..., CT Brown Bear, 2010. Print.Campbell, Margaret Christine., and Natalie Goldstein. Discovering Atoms. New YorK Rosen Pub., 2012. Print.Carney, Linda L. Alchemy in Selected Plays of Shak espeare. Diss. Drake University, 1977. Abstract. Web. 10 Apr. 2012. .Neville, Katherine. The Eight A Novel. New York Ballantine, 1989. Print.Read, John. From Alchemy to Chemistry. New York capital of Delaware Publications, 1995. Print.Rowling, J. K., and bloody shame GrandPr. Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. New York A.A. Levine, 1998. Print.Rowling, J. K. Pottermore. Web. 10 Apr. 2012. .Rowling, J. K. Pottermore. Web. 10 Apr. 2012. . Alchemy, The Foundation of knowledge Essay -- Scientific Research As the last drops fell from the glass to my tongue, I wondered - only for an instant - what perhaps Id never know. What would it taste like, what would it feel like, if that liquid sliding down my throat was not champagne. But the elixir of life (Neville). The concept of an elixir of life discussed in Katherine Nevilles book, The Eight, is by no means a new concept. In fact, it is one of the main goals of of a group of people, alchemists, who first recorded their wo rkings 2500 years ago (Bateman). Alchemists have greatly shaped much of science and society. Alchemy has a very long history that also reaches around the world. Though long associated in the Western world with medieval Europe, alchemy was a philosophy and proto-scientific practice common to ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Babylonia, Persia, India, China, Japan, Korea, Greece, and Rome (Campbell). Alchemy is believed though, to have started in either Egypt or China. (Bateman) Alchemy was the attempt to transmute, or change, one substance into another (Campbell). And alchemy, at its core, was an attempt to understand, deconstruct, and reconstruct matter (Campbell). This is very similar to the purpose of chemistry, which is to understand matter and the changes matter undergoes. Alchemists were hoping to use their understanding of matter to fulfill three tasks. Alchemists worked to find the elixir, a drink that could make a person live forever the panacea, a medicine that could cure all il lnesses and the Philosophers Stone, which could turn any metal into gold (Bateman). Much of the work of alchemists is remembered as the work of wizards and witches. They made potions and remedies and thought that matter could be transformed using magic (Bateman). And eve... ..., CT Brown Bear, 2010. Print.Campbell, Margaret Christine., and Natalie Goldstein. Discovering Atoms. New YorK Rosen Pub., 2012. Print.Carney, Linda L. Alchemy in Selected Plays of Shakespeare. Diss. Drake University, 1977. Abstract. Web. 10 Apr. 2012. .Neville, Katherine. The Eight A Novel. New York Ballantine, 1989. Print.Read, John. From Alchemy to Chemistry. New York Dover Publications, 1995. Print.Rowling, J. K., and Mary GrandPr. Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. New York A.A. Levine, 1998. Print.Rowling, J. K. Pottermore. Web. 10 Apr. 2012. .Rowling, J. K. Pottermore. Web. 10 Apr. 2012. .
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